Data entry for RTL languages
Once the correct language files are installed, it may be necessary to configure Windows to allow data entry in multiple languages. This involves adding a keyboard layout for the language in which you wish to enter data.
For example, to type Arabic characters it is necessary to configure the keyboard to mimic an Arabic keyboard. As each version of Windows provides a different mechanism for adding keyboard layouts, details are provided for each release:

- Select Start>Settings>Control Panel>Regional Options.
- Select the Input Locales tab.
- Click Add if the language in which you wish to type is not listed under Installed input locales .
- In the Add Input Locale dialog box, select the language in which you wish to type from the Input Locale list. This automatically selects the Keyboard Layout/IME option.
- Click OK.
- In the Regional Options dialog box, click Apply and then OK.

- Select Start>Control Panel>Regional and Language Options.
- Select the Languages tab.
- Click Details in the Text services and input languages section. The Text services and input languages dialog box appears.
- If the language in which you wish to type is not listed under Installed Services, or if the language that you want is listed but the keyboard is not listed with it, click Add.
- In the Input Language list, select the language in which you wish to type. This automatically populates the Keyboard layout/IME field.
- Click OK. The selected language with a keyboard installed displays under Installed Services .
- Click OK to close the Text Services and Input Languages dialog box, and then click OK to close the Regional and Language Options dialog box.

- Select Start>Control Panel>Regional and Language Options.
- On the Languages tab, click Details.
- If the language in which you wish to type is not listed under Installed Services, or if the language that you want is listed but the keyboard is not listed with it, click Add.
- In the Input Language list, select the language in which you wish to type. The Keyboard layout/IME field is automatically populated for you.
- Click OK. The selected language with a keyboard installed displays under Installed Services .
- Click OK to close the Text Services and Input Languages dialog box, and then click OK to close the Regional and Language Options dialog box.

- Select Start>Control Panel>Regional and Language Options.
- On the Keyboards and Languages tab, click Change keyboards.
- Under Installed services, click Add.
- Double-click the language you want to add.
- Double-click the text services you want to add.
- Select the text services options you want to add.
- Click OK.
After keyboard layouts have been added, it is possible to select the input language from the Language bar, which is situated in the System Tray (it is a button with the two letter name for the current input language displayed). Click the Language bar for a list of all possible data entry languages. Select the input language required.