Security|Update Registry entry
Update the contents of one or more fields in the current record when the record is saved if a condition is met (a given value is in a field in the current record). Often (but not exclusively) used to modify Record Level Security security fields.

This functionality is available in
The Security Update Registry entry allows the contents of one or more fields to be modified whenever a record is saved (inserted or modified) based on the value in a field in the current record. Although any fields may be updated in this way, the Record Level Security (RLS) fields:
are particularly useful as updating these allows the record security to be modified if a condition in the current record changes.

The database server applies the Security|Update settings whenever a record is saved (i.e. for all insertions and updates). The entries are applied after assignment expressions have been executed and before validation is run. This means that assignment expressions may be used to build a composite value that may be tested by Security|Update settings. For example, it is possible to concatenate two fields into one that may then be checked.
It is also possible to apply sophisticated formula to calculate a field to be checked. For example, you may want to set Security|Update Registry entries based on a range of
Range |
Value |
<1913 | Public
1913-Today | Embargoed
You may then use the values, Public
and Embargoed
Note that you cannot use validation code to compute values as the Security|Update entries are applied before validation code is executed.
This Registry entry can be assigned to users and groups:
Key | User | User | Group | Group | Group | Group |
Key 1 | User
Key 2 | user | user | group | group | Default
Key 3 | Table
Key 4 | table | Default
table | Default
table | Default
Key 5 | Security
Key 6 | Update
Key 7 | column | |||||
Key 8 | value | |||||
Value | settings |

user | Table
table | Security
column | value | settings |
user | Table
column | value | settings |
group | Table
table | Security
column | value | settings |
group | Table
column | value | settings |
table | Security
column | value | settings |
column | value | settings |
column |
defines which field should be consulted to look for a matching value. ![]() When referencing an attachment field in a Security|Update Registry entry, it is necessary to use a field's Link Column name and a record's IRN. For example:
When an attachment field is referenced as the Value, it is in the format
value |
is a If there is a match of the data in column with the value query, then the Registry entry is used and settings is applied. Note: If column contains a table of values, each entry is checked against value. Since value is a pattern, particular attention must be paid if you want to match the complete contents of a field. For example, to match All comparisons of value are case insensitive. |
settings |
is a semicolon separated list of assignments to columns that is applied if there is a match of the data in column with the value query. The format of settings is: column where: |

If you specify a Security|Update Registry entry to limit the display of a record to group Admin if Record Status is changed to Retired
for example, it is necessary to specify a Security|Update Registry entry to account for Record Status changing from Retired
to some other condition (Active
or null for instance). If no Security|Update Registry entry is specified to account for the change, changing the Record Status from Retired
to some other condition will not update the security of the record.
We've only told Retired
; we haven't told Retired
What does this mean?
If we only specify a Security|Update Registry entry to limit the display of a record to group Admin when Record Status = Retired
, changing Record Status to anything other than Retired
will not make the record available to other users.

If we want Record Level Security to be adjusted so that users in group Adoptions are the only ones allowed to view, edit and delete records that have a record status of Adoption
, the following entry can be used:
Key | Setting |
Key 1 | Group
Key 2 | Default
Key 3 | Table
Key 4 | Default
Key 5 | Security
Key 6 | Update
Key 7 | RecordStatusFlag
Key 8 | ^A$
Value | SecCanView=Group Adoption;SecCanEdit=Group Adoption;SecCanDelete=Group Adoption
Keys 7 and 8 indicate that the entry only applies where the RecordStatusFlag column matches the pattern ^A$
(i.e. where the field contains A
only). If this is not the case, then the Registry entry is ignored. Where a record does match, the SecCanEdit field is set to group Adoption. As a leading plus or minus is not supplied, the contents of SecCanEdit are replaced with group Adoption. A similar update occurs for SecCanDelete and SecCanView.
A more complex example would involve removing edit access for all users in group Data Entry when a record is cancelcance
for records that are no longer valid registrations. A suitable Registry entry would be:
Key |
Setting |
Key 1 | Group
Key 2 | Default
Key 3 | Table
Key 4 | ebirths
Key 5 | Security
Key 6 | Update
Key 7 | RecOrdStatus
Key 8 | ^cance
Value | SecCanEdit=-Group Data Entry
Notice how the terms to set have a leading minus sign, indicating the term (in this case the group name) is to be removed from the field SecCanEdit.
A third example requires all records with a
print status of Ready
to have group Counter removed and group Print added for both displaying and editing the record. The field containing the print status is ReadyToPrint. A suitable Registry entry is:
Key | Setting |
Key 1 | Group
Key 2 | Default
Key 3 | Table
Key 4 | epos
Key 5 | Security
Key 6 | Update
Key 7 | ReadyToPrint
Key 8 | ^Y$
Value | SecCanDisplay=-Group Counter:+Group Print;SecCanEdit=-Group Counter:+Group Print
Notice how more than one field may be updated with a single Registry entry. Note also:
- If a term has a leading plus symbol and the term already appears in the field, it is not added again.
- Similarly, if a term has a preceding minus and it does not appear in the field, it is ignored.
In this final example we restrict the display privilege for records that have not been approved for viewing on the intranet to groups Admin, Registrations and Adoptions. Once the record has been approved for viewing on the intranet, we will allow all users to view the record. In this case two Registry entries are required:
- The first restricts access for records not available on the intranet.
- The second allows access to all users for record available on the intranet.
Suitable Registry entries are:
Key | Setting |
Key 1 | Group
Key 2 | Default
Key 3 | Table
Key 4 | ebirths
Key 5 | Security
Key 6 | Update
Key 7 | AdmPublishWebPasswordFlag
Key 8 | N
Value | SecCanDisplay=Group Admin:+Group Registrations:+Group Adoptions
Key | Setting |
Key 1 | Group
Key 2 | Default
Key 3 | Table
Key 4 | ebirths
Key 5 | Security
Key 6 | Update
Key 7 | AdmPublishWebPasswordFlag
Key 8 | Y
Value | SecCanDisplay=Group Default
Notice how the first term in the first Registry entry (Group Admin
) does not have a leading plus or minus, meaning it replaces the current contents of SecCanDisplay. The following terms require a leading plus symbol otherwise they will also clear the current contents rather than adding to the first term. The second Registry entry replaces the contents of SecCanDisplay with group Default (this allows access for everyone).
By using a combination of Registry entries it is possible to produce quite sophisticated and dynamic privilege changes.