Example 4: Multimedia
When loading multimedia with the Import tool it is necessary to use the virtual Multimedia field to specify the pathway to the multimedia file to be imported. This example builds on the last one by including multimedia in the import, as well as a table.
The fields loaded are:
Fields |
Back-end name |
Title | Multitle
Description | MulDescription
Creator | MulCreator_tab
Multimedia | Multimedia

For display purposes only, the import data below is presented with column headings listed vertically rather than horizontally. The first row of any tab or comma delimited file must include the column names. The appropriate layout is:
Adam Wood Birth Certificate
John Smith
Peter Parker Birth Certificate
Jane Patil Birth Certificate
Scan of the front of birth certificate for Jane Patil
The import data is:
Column Name (must appear as the first row of the import data file) |
Record 1 |
Record 2 |
Record 3 |
Adam Wood Birth Certificate
Peter Parker Birth Certificate
Jane Patil Birth Certificate
John Smith
Bill Wilson

The XML for this example is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--First record-->
<atom name="MulTitle">Adam Wood Birth Certificate</atom>
<table name="MulCreator_tab">
<atom>John Smith</atom>
<atom>Bill Wilson</atom>
<atom name="Multimedia">C:\Images\birth1.jpg</atom>
<!--Second record-->
<atom name="MulTitle">Peter Parker Birth Certificate</atom>
<table name="MulCreator_tab">
<atom name="Multimedia">C:\Images\birth2.jpg</atom>
<!--Third record-->
<atom name="MulTitle">Jane Patil Birth Certificate</atom>
<atom name="MulDescription">Scan of the front of birth certificate for Jane Patil.
See also the scan of the back.</atom>
<atom name="Multimedia">C:\Images\birth3.jpg</atom>
The thoroughness of the Import process (compared to a simple batch load) is highlighted when loading multimedia. When importing a .jpg image, for example, much data is automatically generated by