Address Tool Path Registry entry
Specifies the path in Windows to the addressing software that is used to verify all delivery addresses entered into Vitalware.
Note: Only for use by the Queensland Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.

This entry specifies the path in Windows to the addressing software stored on the client computer. The software is invoked when a delivery address is keyed into Vitalware to verify its particulars, especially the postcode.
This Registry entry is assigned at the system level only:
Key | System |
Key 1 | System |
Key 2 | Setting |
Key 3 | Address Tool Path |
Value | path |

System | Setting | Address Tool Path | path |
path | is the full Windows path to the address verification software. |
Note: Processing of the Windows path occurs on a UNIX computer, therefore each directory marker, usually a single back slash (\), must be escaped, i.e. preceded by an additional back slash (\\). Thus, each single back slash becomes a double back slash when specifying the path.
This entry specifies the path to the addressing tool software, located in the DataTools directory of the local disc under Program Files:
Key | Setting |
Key 1 | System |
Key 2 | Setting |
Key 3 | Address Tool Path |
Value | C:\\Program Files\\DataTools\\dtrat.exe |