Balance Shortcut Registry entry
Specifies which tab of values to display on the Payments tab of the POS module for each Balance type.

On the Payments tab of the POS module there is a balance Type Lookup List (named Balance Type) in the Balance Details group of fields. A selection from the Lookup list populates the Type: (Balance Details) field and displays a set of fields that captures data relevant to that type, e.g.:
It is the purpose of this entry to associate each balance type with the correct set of fields to display.
Note: Incorrect editing of this entry will result in the POS module operating incorrectly and it is recommended that only KE Software Development staff modify it.
Each possible balance type that exists in the associated Lookup List (Balance Type) must have a Balance Shortcut entry that references a set of fields to display, identified by an integer tabNo.
Note: See Payment Shortcut Registry entry for the corresponding entry for Payment Type.
This Registry entry is assigned to groups:
Key | Group |
Key 1 | Group |
Key 2 | Default |
Key 3 | Table |
Key 4 | epos |
Key 5 | Balance Shortcut |
Key 6 | balance type |
Value | tabNo |

Group | Default | Table | epos | Balance Shortcut | balance type | tabNo |
balance type | is a balance type listed in the Balance Type Lookup List. |
tabNo | is a set of fields to display, identified by an integer. The tabNo is defined by Axiell Software Development staff. Contact Axiell Support for details. |
These entries specify the tabs associated with each Balance type:
Group | Default | Table | epos | Balance Shortcut | Change | 1 |
Group | Default | Table | epos | Balance Shortcut | Overs | 1 |
Group | Default | Table | epos | Balance Shortcut | Refund | 0 |
Group | Default | Table | epos | Balance Shortcut | Unders | 1 |
Group | Default | Table | epos | Balance Shortcut | Rounding | 1 |
These entries specify that balance types of Change
, Overs
, Rounding
and Unders
all require the same data to be captured; if any of those types is selected, the same set of fields (tab 1)
will be displayed. It also shows that the balance type of Refund
has a different set of fields associated with it.