Clear Reverse Hierarchy Registry entry
Specifies whether to clear Lookup List hierarchies when double keying.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.

The Mississippi system contains a large number of Lookup Lists which have associated NCHS code values. A problem with Lookup Lists is that an error is displayed to the user when a value changes on a read-only list to something that is not recorded in the Lookup List hierarchy. This causes difficulty during double keying as a mistake by the first keyer means that all hierarchy fields must be keyed before a new value can be entered. This setting determines whether the system will automatically clear the hierarchies when double keying.
This Registry entry is assigned to groups:
Key | Group | Group |
Key 1 | Group | Group |
Key 2 | group | Default |
Key 3 | Table | Table |
Key 4 | table | Default |
Key 5 | Clear Reverse Hierarchy | |
Value | boolean |

Group | group | Table | table | Clear Reverse Hierarchy | boolean |
Group | Default | Table | Default | Clear Reverse Hierarchy | boolean |
boolean | is |
This entry specifies that Lookup List hierarchies will be cleared when double keying:
Key | Setting |
Key 1 | Group |
Key 2 | Default |
Key 3 | Table |
Key 4 | Default |
Key 5 | Clear Reverse Hierarchy |
Value | true |