Document Abbreviations Registry entry
Specifies a mapping between document names stored in the legacy Companies system with those used in Vitalware.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Companies Registry.
Common documents in the legacy Companies system typically had an abbreviated file name, AR.pdf for example. In Vitalware these documents retain the legacy file name but with this Registry entry we can provide a more user-friendly alternative for these file names when users view a list of common documents; for instance AR.pdf can be listed as Annual Return.
This Registry entry is assigned at the system level only:
Key | System |
Key 1 | System
Key 2 | Setting
Key 3 | Document Abbreviations
Key 4 | abbreviation |
Value | user-friendly name |

Document Abbreviations
abbreviation | user-friendly name |
abbreviation | is the common file name for a document. |
user-friendly name |
is the user-friendly alternative that displays in lists in Vitalware. |
This entry specifies that documents with a filename of AR.pdf will be listed as ANNUAL RETURN when users see a list of documents available for a company within Vitalware:
Key | Setting |
Key 1 | System
Key 2 | Setting
Key 3 | Document Abbreviations
Key 4 | AR
Value |