Marriage Rebooking Product Registry entry
Specifies the product code for rebooking a Vital Records Office performed marriage service.

There are occasions when someone who has booked a Vital Records Office marriage service needs to change the date of the booking. This entry tells POS which product is used for rebooking a marriage service.
This Registry entry is assigned to groups:
Key | Group |
Key 1 | Group |
Key 2 | Default |
Key 3 | Table |
Key 4 | epos |
Key 5 | Marriage Rebooking Product |
Value | prodcode |
Group|Default|Table|epos|Marriage Rebooking Product|

Group | Default | Table | epos | Marriage Rebooking Product | prodcode |
prodcode | is the product code for rebooking a marriage. |
Note: This entry is required because the processes for booking and rebooking a marriage are different: the marriage bookings system needs to know whether to allocate a new slot (booking) or to alter an existing slot (rebooking), moving booking information from one slot to another.
This entry specifies that the Marriage rebooking product has product code of MRB
Key | Setting |
Key 1 | Group |
Key 2 | Default |
Key 3 | Table |
Key 4 | epos |
Key 5 | Marriage rebooking Product |
Value | MRB |