Name Reservation Period Registry entry
Specifies the number of days available to register a company / business once a reserved name has been approved.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Companies Registry.
Once a company / business name has been reserved and then approved, the applicant has a certain number of days (45 by default) to initiate registration of the company / business using the approved name. If registration is not initiated in this time frame, the name reservation expires and must be applied for again.
This Registry entry is assigned at the system level only:
Key | System |
Key 1 | System
Key 2 | Setting
Key 3 | Name Reservation Period
Value | days |

Name Reservation Period
days |
days |
is the number of days available to register a company / business once a reserved name has been approved. Note:
In the absence of this Registry entry, a value of |
This entry specifies that a company / business can be registered using an approved name for 50 days once the name has been approved:
Key | Setting |
Key 1 | Group
Key 2 | Corrections
Key 3 | Name Reservation Period
Value | 50